Prinfab® support the Lovely World event hosted by Friends of the Earth to imagine a cool, green future.

Over the last few weeks, our team have been hard at work preparing our stall for the Lovely World event organised by Swale Friends of the Earth.
The event was held at The Alexander Centre in Faversham on 24 - 25 June 2023 and featured letters printed by Prinfab on the windows outside.
Each member of our creative team worked on these letters, designing them in-house.
Clare, one of our cutting room assistant's told Prinfab:
It was wonderful being able to work on a project with the entire team and collectively share our creative ideas

Over 30 projects, initiatives, individuals and companies took part in Lovely World with the aim of working towards a fair, carbon neutral, planet-focused and energy efficient world. It presents a vision of a future in 20 years' time in which the 'right' environmental choices have been made. It was an exciting and visionary event inspired by the film 2040 and the book by Jonathan Porritt, The World We Made. There was a flowing program of live events including talks, films, poetry and performances, as well as a clothes swap and workshops taking place over the weekend.
Our office manager Natalie said:
It was a great experience talking to people about our sustainable textile printing service at the event

Our stall featured a sketchbook, a 3D model of our factory and mountboards showing our organic and recycled fabrics, sustainability milestones and sustainability statements from the team. Our rail consisted of printed eco fabrics and products in these same prints to show the endless possibilities for how your printed fabric could be used. The cushions were filled with fabric scraps and our sample packs were available in both the full range and just the eco fabrics.
We also displayed a beautiful chair, upholstered by Alex Law from The School of Upholstery, in our Organic Optic Half Panama and Organic Half Panama, as well as cushions also designed by him.
As a Faversham resident, I thought it was awesome that you took part! It was really invigorating, inspiring your clients and informing them what they can do with your fabrics.
The team really enjoyed working for a local event where the fabric was designed and printed locally too. There were so many different companies that were involved who had their own take on sustainability and how to create a lovely world.